Game Wardens and Ghost Towns
While working on a sequel to Badges, Bears, and Eagles, I recently returned to my old stomping grounds near Orland, California, and the ghost town of Newville. Located twenty-two miles west of Orland, Newville thrived from the early 1850s until 1929, when all but a few buildings burned to the ground. During its heyday, Newville boasted a general store, two livery stables, two saloons, a blacksmith shop, two hotels, a post office, and at least one service station. I mention the service station because as of this week, it remains the only building left standing.
Fifty years ago, I photographed my father standing on the porch of what we believed to be the Newville Hotel. That building no longer exists.
So what does this old ghost town have to do with game wardens and wildlife outlaws? I guess you’ll have to wait for the new book to find out. Meanwhile, I invite anyone familiar with this fascinating page out of Glenn County’s history to share what you know, either by leaving a comment or contacting me via the contact form on my blog. I’d love to hear from you!
Photo (circa 1965) by Steven T. Callan. Pictured is the author’s father, Wallace Callan, at what is believed to be the former Newville Hotel.
Charlotte Simpson Thurman
My Great Great Grandparents. Noah Simpson homesteaded the area known as Fruto in the 1850`s.
Thanks so much for the information. Was the Simpson Bridge named after your great grandfather?
Charlotte Simpson Thurman
Yes, it bordered both of the Simpson ranches. Noah lived on the Wedt Side Hid son Ziba built the house on the East side. All of my dads brotherd went to the Floyd school.
That’s fascinating. I still have a photograph of the Simpson Bridge.
tammy flagor
i am the great grand daughter of lester noah simpson. how are noah and lester related? (lesters daughter olive was my grandma and jean is her daughter which is my mom.
Lisa Reeder
I have driven through Fruto many times, going from Stonyford down to Williws, and have always wondered what the town of Fruto was like years ago..
Lisa, I’ve heard of Fruto but have no knowledge of it. Like you, I’ve always been intrigued by the history of Glenn County, so much so that the town of Newville is featured in my new book. Thanks for writing!
diana hoffman ruff
this is where sam grew up the homestead is right across the creek from where ur dad is standing if u fly over that area u can still see the horse racing track we stll have some of the books from the school that was right next to the ruff ranch
This is great info. Thank you so much. I remember Sam’s family’s ranch out near Newville. Was Sam’s father named Francis?
Mary Ruff Hayes
Yes, Francis was our father (Allyene, Allen, Mary & Sam). The building your dad is standing in front of does look like the old hotel from what I remember.
Thanks, Mary. I remember Francis from the days when I rode on patrol with my dad. Sam and I went to school together. Does your family still own the ranch out there?
Best wishes,
tim pennel
No extra info but love thepicture!
Thanks, Tim!
I hope you’re doing well.
Sandra Lobsien
My husband would like to know if your fathers name was Wally? He thinks he knew him
Thanks for writing, Sandra.
Yes, my father’s first name is Wally. He was the Orland Fish and Game warden during the 1960s.
Best wishes,
I’ve ridden my motorcycle out Newville road a number of times, and have stopped and photographed the cemetery. But I’ve never been able to tell where Newville itself was located? If you could tell where the service station is relative to the cemetery, I would appreciate it.
This photo is the only one that comes up on Google when searching for Newville that is actually a photo of Newville.
Hi Steve,
Newville is an old town with a fascinating history.
The ruins of the old service station are located on Newville Road, just west of the intersection of Newville Road and Road 306.
Best wishes,
tammy flagor
if I would have read further I would have figured it out that noah is lesters grandfather. so noah would be my great-great-great grandfather.
Thanks very much for writing, Tammy. I’ve always loved that area out near Newville.
All my best,