Alumnus of the Year Tag

Rocio Nesbitt, author John D. Nesbitt, author Steven T. Callan, and Kathy Callan celebrate at the Orland Alumni Association Awards Dinner.

Orland Alumni Association Awards Night


Rocio Nesbitt, author John D. Nesbitt, author Steven T. Callan, and Kathy Callan celebrate at the Orland Alumni Association Awards Dinner.

Just like in the Statler Brothers’ song, the Orland High School Class of ‘66 had its dreams. In June of 1966, all 138 of us spread to the wind and set out to live our dreams, much like the Orland High School classes before us. Some went on to college,  some served in the military, some pursued occupations  elsewhere, and some remained in this wonderful little Northern California farm town for the rest of their lives.

