Orland Alumni Association Awards Night
Just like in the Statler Brothers’ song, the Orland High School Class of ‘66 had its dreams. In June of 1966, all 138 of us spread to the wind and set out to live our dreams, much like the Orland High School classes before us. Some went on to college, some served in the military, some pursued occupations elsewhere, and some remained in this wonderful little Northern California farm town for the rest of their lives.
Whatever we did and wherever we ended up, Orland would always be our hometown. As my wife, Kathy, has so often said, “The people of Orland are like one big family. They’re so warm and loving.”
Last night, award-winning Western author John D. Nesbitt and I returned to our Orland family after fifty-two years. The Glenn County Fairgrounds’ Arts and Crafts Building was filled to capacity with friends and supporters as John and I each shared our life experiences and writing adventures since graduation.
I spoke briefly about my first two books, Badges, Bears, and Eagles and The Game Warden’s Son, and proudly regaled the audience with news about my third book, Henry Glance and the Case of the Missing Game Warden, slated for release early next year. A novel, Henry Glance and the Case of the Missing Game Warden is an action-adventure, a mystery, and a love story—all rolled into one. It’s filled with wildlife investigations, much like those in my previous two books, with a mystery woven throughout.
At the end of the ceremony, Orland Alumni Association President Larry Donnelley presented John and me each with the prestigious Orland Alumni Association “Alumnus of the Year” award, for our writing achievements.
Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, to the Orland Alumni Association and the wonderful people of Orland for this great honor. I will always cherish last evening’s warm reception and the incredible support you’ve provided throughout my writing adventure.
Your friend,
Please scroll down to view more photos from the Orland Alumni Association awards dinner.